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Manor Leas Junior Academy

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Manor LeasJunior Academy

Where excellence and enjoyment go hand in hand

Our Trustee Board

Welcome to our Trustees’ section.


Please find below details of how our Trust Board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Trustee.


We have also provided a Register of Trustee Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.


Our Governance Professional can be contacted by emailing


Our Chair of Governors can be contacted by emailing or by written communication to:

Mr R Pitman

Chair of Governors

Manor Leas Junior Academy

Hykeham Road





Are you interested in becoming a Trustee?

You can find out more about the role of Trustees and other background information on the Lincolnshire County Council website.


Zoe Walters- Member of Academy Trust


I have been a Parent Governor since April 2021 and the Safeguarding Link Governor since November 2021 as well as Chair of Governors from September 22 to November 23. During my career I have worked as a Probation Officer for 13 years which also included roles in staff training, development and quality assurance activities. For a period of three years between 2019-2022 I was employed by the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership as an Audit and Policy Officer. My current role is within the Local Authority as a Community Safety Strategy Coordinator. 

I am passionate about promoting the wellbeing of children, assisting them to strive to reach their full potential and ensuring that they have a rewarding and enjoyable learning experience. Through the Governing Body working closely with the Senior Leadership Team we can achieve of Manor Leas Junior Academy’s Vision and have a positive culture. 



Robert Pitman - Chair of Trustees


Jo Denny - Staff Trustee


I was born and brought up in Lincoln and went to Manor Leas Infant School as a child. My training was at Bishop Grosseteste College to become a Primary Teacher and I have been a teacher for over 20 years.  I have worked at MLJA for eight years but before that have taught for most of my career in Bristol and Bath.  In addition to teaching, I am a Mum to two children, a wife and a dog owner.  I love spending any spare time in the garden, playing the piano or baking.


Anthony Tomlinson - Chair of Finance Committee


I was born in Lincoln and have lived in North Hykeham for over 20 years. Parent of two former pupils at the school. I am now retired but worked in public sector finance in Lincolnshire for over 35 years.


Jonny Bell - Community representative


Nick Fielding - Community representative



Beverley Dummett - Clerk to Governors


Beverley can be contacted on


Governor Information

Below is information on Governors, including responsibilities and outside interests.


Current Governors/Members of Academy Trust


Area of responsibility

Appointed by

Date commenced

Term of office

Register of interests

Chelsea Sandbrook

Headteacher, Accounting Officer, 
Pay Committee,
Finance, Resources & Audit Committee,
Standards Committee

Governing Body



None declared

Charisse Chapman  

Co-opted by governing body


Anthony Tomlinson

Member of Academy Trust, Chair of Finance, Resources & Audit Committee, Joint Site Committee, Link Governor School Improvement Team

Members of Trust


4 yrs

None Declared

Jo Denny

Standards  Committee

Staff Governor


(2nd Term of Office)

4 yrs

None declared

Stuart Brown Co-opted by governing body11/20244 yrsNone Declared
Daniel Christie  

 Co-opted by governing body


4 yrs

None Declared

Zoe WaltersMember of Academy TrustCo-opted by Governing body15/9/20224 yrs None Declared
Nick FieldingInterim vice chair- Finance CommitteeCo-opted by Governing body16/06/20234 yrsNone declared
Claire CurtisFinance, Resources and Audit committeeCo-opted by Governing body11/20244 yrsNone declared
Jonny Bell Co-opted by Governing body16/11/20234 yrsNone declared
Robert PitmanInterim Chair of GovernorsCo-opted by Governing body16/11/20234 yrsChair of Governors at another local school


2023/24 Governors attendance data

Full Governing Body


NameTitleMeetings AttendedOut of a possible
Chelsea SandbrookHeadteacher44
Rob Pitman Chair33
Annie RichardsonVice Chair44
Antony Tomlinson 34
Jo Denny 44
Johnny Bell  44
Sarah McCann 24
Hannah Watson  44
Nick Fielding  34


               Standards Committee



NameTitleMeetings attendedOut of a possible
Chelsea Sandbrook Headteacher33
Rob Pitman Chair33
Hannah Watson resigned June 24 33
Annie Richardson  33


               Finance & Resources


NameTitleMeetings attendedOut of a possible
Chelsea SandbrookHeadteacher33
Antony TomlinsonChair33
Rob Pitman  33
Jo Denny   33
Nick Fielding  23


Governor Resignations 2023/24

NameArea of ResponsibilityAppointed ByDate CommencedDate Stepped DownTerm of OfficeRegister of Interests Yearly Attendance
Mike Farley Member Board of Trustees 06/20243 years 


Hannah Watson Staff Governor Standards Board of Trustees  6/2024   
Annie RichardsonVice ChairBoard of Trustees 09/2024   
Sarah McCannParent TrusteeBoard of Trustees 10/2024   
Pat CoatesMemberBoard of Trustees 11/2024   

