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Manor Leas Junior Academy

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Manor LeasJunior Academy

Where excellence and enjoyment go hand in hand


The Friends of the School Association (FOSA) is an informal committee whose members give their time to help organise and run fundraising events/activities throughout the school year, making extra money for equipment and resources that the school needs.


The purpose of FOSA is to support the staff, school and obviously, most importantly, the pupils. This is achieved through fund raising to help the school to purchase additional educational and recreational materials and also planning social activities for the pupils.


Over the last few years FOSA has helped to run many events for the benefit of the school. This includes  movie nights, school discos, summer and Christmas fayres, providing and serving refreshments at school events, Christmas card fundraiser, and helping with the year 6 leavers party.


The money raised has helped to fund many things such as; specialised Lego for the teaching and learning of STEM subjects, LIVES first aid training for all students, money towards the new sound system installed throughout the school, additional equipment for playtimes, money towards fixed netball posts and a large quantity of reading books for the library. 


FOSA are always keen to meet new members to assist with organising and running events. Offering your time (or a skill you have!) before events or at occasions through the year is invaluable. FOSA could not achieve what we do without the behind the scenes support that is offered.


The Committee meet on a regular basis usually once or twice per term. If you are interested in joining please speak to a current member or pass your information to the school office and they will pass it along to us.


Chair – Sarah McCann
Treasurer – Leander Haestier
Secretary – Clare Harvey
School/FOSA liaison – Chelsea Sandbrook/Davinia Ashton


Please continue to offer your support – New members and suggestions are always welcome at our informal meetings and the children directly benefit from FOSA activities.  


If you are interested in joining FOSA or wish to contact us. Our email address is


