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Manor Leas Junior Academy

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Manor LeasJunior Academy

Where excellence and enjoyment go hand in hand

Year 2 Summer Boosters

We have identified that the transition from Infant to Junior school can be eased if parents help support their children consolidate key concepts from Year 1/2 in the summer before Year 3. Our Year 3 team have supplied a list of games and activities that will help your child start on the right track when they begin Junior school.


  • Read daily. Whether you read to your child or your child reads to you or independently, it is important that children entering Year 3 are developing their stamina and fluency.
  • Practice the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Sing songs, play games and chant these times tables to give your child a boost before Year 3.
  • Practice number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Mathematical fluency is important to develop early on in a child's education. Children who haven't secured these skills in Key Stage 1 often struggle with basic mathematical concepts.
  • Practice writing letters the correct size. Many children enter Year 3 having not put a pen or pencil to paper in 6 weeks. This means much of the Autumn term is spent 'catching up'.
  • Practice the Reception, Year 1 and 2 spelling words. A great idea is to do this in conjunction with handwriting practice.

Year 2-3 Holiday Maths Pack
