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Manor Leas Junior Academy

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Manor LeasJunior Academy

Where excellence and enjoyment go hand in hand

Train to Teach With Us

At Manor Leas Junior Academy we take pride in training the teachers of the future. We work with a variety of providers and would happily have discussions with potential trainees about the possibility of training at our wonderful school. Please find information below for some of our providers, EOE Teacher TRaining, Minister Teaching School and Nottingham Trent University.

As a school we work with EoE Teacher Training (EoETT) to support trainee teachers.

EoE Teacher Training offers high quality Initial Teacher Training in our local area, leading to the award of a PGCE and QTS (Qualified Teacher Status).


“I have been extremely impressed with the training both myself and my trainee has received and I would highly recommend your course to anybody.” Dawn, Mentor


“If you are more of a practical learner then this is the best teacher training course to do. The training sessions give you useful ideas that you can try in your own teaching.

I have honestly enjoyed every minute and found the workload manageable even with a young child.” Tiffany, Trainee


School based Initial Teacher Training gives you the opportunity to learn to teach within the classroom, alongside an experienced teacher, who will guide and support you all year. As a school we passionately believe that the more time you spend in school teaching, observing and reflecting the more prepared you will feel when you start your newly qualified teacher role. The practical nature of this course means that trainees spend the majority of their time in school and are therefore well trained and prepared to be teachers.

This is a fantastic opportunity to be supported by experienced teachers in supportive school environments. The partnerships offers a diverse range of schools including special schools, infant schools, junior schools, small rural and large inner city primary schools. Trainees have stated that they feel very well supported and prepared for the next phase of their career. Testimonials from past trainees can be found on

EoE Teacher Training are a SCITT, and work with local schools, equipped with skilled and experienced mentors to support trainees. This is a very practical route into teaching, offering hands on teaching experience from the very beginning, that is supported and facilitated by fully qualified, practising teachers.


This practical and hands on approach to Teacher Training will ensure that you are fully prepared to become an outstanding teacher and take on the challenges of your own class as an Early Career Teacher (ECT)!

Interested? Visit the website to find out more or call 07379 404767 to speak to the team.
