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Manor Leas Junior Academy

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Manor LeasJunior Academy

Where excellence and enjoyment go hand in hand

Our Curriculum

The curriculum at Manor Leas Junior Academy is carefully crafted and designed to give our pupils a secure understanding of the world around them. Our aim is to create curious individuals that will question that world and endeavour to find ways to make it better. We will do this by giving the children challenging themes that will push the boundaries of their knowledge and ensure they think critically about their opinions of the world.


Our curriculum is designed to develop three fundamental areas: knowledge (Head), empathy (Heart) and skills (Hands). We want students to leave with all of the knowledge and skills to not only enter the world of work or academia, but also to be equipped to deal with a rapidly changing world.  We want them to be ready and able to face the challenges of the world and contribute to making their communities a better place to live. 


Not only will we provide a knowledge rich curriculum, but the delivery of the content will enable pupils to revisit prior knowledge and link this to newly acquired themes and ideas. This will be through a variety of strategies based on research so that pupils leave our school knowing more and remembering more. We aim for children to make connections between the past and the present in order to understand how they could change the future.


Our curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum but also to ensure that we provide rich learning opportunities, which deepen and extend understanding. We aim to provide opportunities that give the children unforgettable experiences, such as the Lincolnshire Show Schools Challenge, The Great Bread Bake Off, The Young Enterprise Fiver Challenge and participating in the Shakespeare for Schools Festival.


Our curriculum is accessible to all, in line with our approach to both Diversity, Equality and Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disability. We take pride in ensuring all our pupils have access to the entirety of rich learning experiences on offer at our school, whilst personalising resources and scaffolding so that everyone can succeed.


The curriculum is divided into subjects and many of these are taught weekly (PE, Computing, PSHE and Handwriting) or daily (English and Mathematics). In addition a number of subjects are taught in blocks. 


Find Out More

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, contact the Curriculum Leader, Mrs Sandbrook on


Find additional information in the documentation below.
